Thank you to our private and corporate supporters!Â

Food Lion Feeds!!
Food Lion is a repeat donor for our Pikin Packs Program! We cannot thank you enough for your $750 donation to Pikin Packs 2024!

Ceres Chill!Â
Thank you for your donation of nipple shields and one of your amazing breast milk chillers! Check out the Ceres Series Blog to hear the latest and greatest parenting info and updates from industry experts, guest writers, and contributing moms!
One by One $500 Grant!
We were provided $500 in promotional items with artwork featuring our logos and bylines. They are a repeat donor! Thank you so much 4Imprint!

Check out our Donor Wall!

June 17th, 2023: Our first donations - where it all started! Never underestimate the power of the heart of giving. The towns of Micro and Selma, North Carolina have great people who love to help! During the 100-mile yard sale, we were blessed with so many people who just wanted to help in any way they could. We didn't have a pitch, we didn't come there with the intention of asking for donations...we only came to find some great deals.
Then we met the amazing Mrs. Godley! She's a school teacher who now teaches online and had tons of school supplies and learning materials that she donated to the cause. Thank you, Mrs. Godley!