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The Meaning of Our Logo

Symbols are a form of communication. They provide a representation of true meaning. Our logo is a symbol of the quality and committment we put into our work and the people we serve, whether as an organization or as an individual.
The circle commonly represents wholeness, unity, or infinity. Other cultures liken the circle to mean enlightment. The MIGC logo, as a whole, represents all these things. Within those terms, there are factors that must be in place in order to achieve that level of unity.

The first portion of the circle represents Compassion.


We concern ourselves with the well being of others. You are providing services and/or products for the betterment of society. Society is made up of people, people who need help. MIGC will never diminish your work. We will uplift you and help you work diligently toward your goals.

a golden shape

The second portion of the circle represents freedom


We do not believe in inhibiting anyone's goals or dreams. Dream big! MIGC wants to dream big with you. You are free to explore new dreams. We want to help you reach your goals in a way that's beneficial to you and those you serve.

a golden shape

The third portion of the circle represents Grace.


We must always allow each other grace. Grace to each other, situations, in all things, we must exercise grace. We understand if you don't have it all together and we understand that you need help and may have difficulty defining what you need. We envelope you in grace to support you getting to your next level.

a golden shape

The fourth portion of the circle represents Knowledge.


MIGC champions new learning experiences. We never stop learning, growing, or evolving. Learning comes in many forms, such as new and different experiences, conversations with people not like you, or travel. Together, we will support you in learning how to fulfill your purpose and embrace knowledge of self and others. Knowledge set to positive actions can lead to accomplishment!

golden circle with 5 sections outlined

The square in the circle represents You!

You in the middle of Full Circle Service

At the center of service is the client. MIGC will compassionately push you to freely dream and we will impart grace to you while working out the kinks. The knowledge you leave with after partnering with us will allow you to bestow these gifts to others. This is the concept of MIGC's Full Circle Service, representing unity and enlightenment.

gold circle with a red outlined square in the middle
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